Friday, December 23, 2011

Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas

To everyone, everywhere, no matter how you celebrate what the meaning of the season is for you, our sincerest wish is that you have a peaceful and love filled time with those you love!
May all your winter dreams come true!
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Preparedness Step Everyone Avoids

As many of you already know, we recently suffered a terrible loss just after Thanksgiving when my husband's father passed away. It's been a difficult time, filled with memories, good and bad, and time to reassess our life as a family and as preppers.

The first lesson we have learned and one that actually has been nagging at all of us I suppose since the day we were born, is that in time we will all die. We know it, we think about it, but unfortunately we almost never prepare for it. Such is the case of my father-in-law, who though he had death benefits for his funeral never had them changed after he remarried and it has been difficult for the family to obtain them to pay for his burial. He never wrote a will. He had purchased his burial plots, but never gave any of his sons power of attorney so they could assure his wishes. It is something none of them expected, even though they all knew his passing would come some day.

This lack of planning has caused numerous financial problems for those left behind. He never talked about the day he might die, whether out of fear or denial no one knows, and he never made sure everyone knew his wishes or that those who would have to have the responsibility of his burial had all the legal means to see it was taken care of.

As preppers, we work daily to assure our family has adequate emergency supplies. We store food, water, first aid and fuel, but in all the years we have been prepping I do not remember once anyone talking about being prepared for their own death. We live each day knowing our last day on earth will eventually arrive and in knowing that we owe it to the loved ones we will leave behind to be prepared for that final day. We need to embrace it's inevitability and we need to take action while we're alive to see that that our death and burial is handled with dignity and does not become a financial burden to those we leave behind.

I urge everyone today to make a list. Write it all down and let your family know where you will keep the list so they know where to find the information about the decisions you will make about your own funeral. (Even if you have already made your plans your family needs to know where the information is kept.) Begin recording your planning by first deciding on where you want to buried. Do you want to be cremated or placed in a casket? Write it down. What do you want to be said at your funeral and who you want to oversee your final wishes? Write it down. Then once your decisions are made, look online for examples of wills and make one yourself if you cannot afford an attorney. Most insurance agents are or have a notary republic in their offices that you can use as legal witnesses to any documents you need to prepare. Then remember if things change in your life, you have a falling out or you get a divorce or someone dies, update your documents to reflect who will be in charge in that person's stead.

Then take action, have insurance that will cover your burial, or if you have land of your own that you want to be buried on, make sure that the laws within your county or state will allow you to be buried there. If you already have insurance or don't want to buy any then at least start saving now and as soon as possible purchase the plot where you will be buried and contact a mortuary to begin the funeral planning and making payments now to pay for your own funeral. Both are enormous expenses that need planning immediately, not after you die, so that you can pay over time if necessary. Once you are dead the mortuary and cemetery will demand their money upfront, they won't make payment plans then, and rest assured the sooner you do it the lower the price will be as costs go up every year.

Remember, the day you die will be an emotional time for your family. The last thing you want is for them to suffer not only the loss from your passing, but legal and financial hardships because of your death. Prepare now, it will be one of the greatest gifts you can give to your family in their time of sorrow.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Flu and You

It's that time of year again. No not just the holiday season, it's flu season. Runny noses, coughing, and other unsightly things even I'm too squeamish to describe. If you're like me you can't afford to be sick. You have children to take care of or a job to get to each day and you just don't have time to be sick. Or it's tough just having enough money to buy groceries each week, let alone a doctor's copay and a prescription.

However, getting sick is more than just putting a drain on our time and finances, it can be outright deadly. The rising incidents of super viruses and bacterias puts us all at a greater risk than ever before. Science has done a wonderful job at helping us heal and fight infections, but it's been a double edged sword. By suppressing other viruses and bacterias we have increased the ability for new viruses and bacterias to grow and be more immune to current medications, thus creating new strains which are harder to kill.

In the news this week, the rise of a new Swine Flu has the scientific world buzzing and the World Health Organization on high alert. Luckily in most cases when a new strain is identified practices are put into place to help stop it from spreading, but everyday citizens like ourselves need to protect our families with another reminder that clean hands and keeping your hands out of your mouth, nose or eyes are some of the best defenses against you and the flu. This is especially important if you haven't had a flu shot or if you're concerned your flu shot won't work this year with recent reports that it's only 59% effective. If you'd like to read more about this year's flu shot visit's article here.

So could a pandemic happen? The recent blockbuster movie Contagion gave us all a scary glimpse of the worst case scenario. But let's not find out shall we. All it takes is all of us being prepared for the worst but doing everything to keep the worst from happening. I've taken the time to make sure our family has plenty of over-the-counter medications in our emergency storage as well as reminding family members daily to be diligent with hand washing. We can't see the future as preppers but we can do our best not add to the problem if a crisis comes around. So when making your emergency preparedness plans, think outside the box of tornados and floods, remember an emergency could equal an illness and could be just as devastating.

Want to know how pandemics happen? Watch the video below "How A Virus Changes the World" from to learn more. Then share it with your family members, people at work and on your website or blog. Spread information, not the flu!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

From Our House to Yours

(This is my favorite Thanksgiving hymn that I remember singing each year in school choirs. It brings back many dear memories of this day and gives me a sense of peace listening to it again.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stocking Up and Finding Resources

I apologize for the delay in not posting the last couple of weeks. We've had a stretch of good weather giving us a chance to work on our dwindling wood pile and take inventory of our food storage and emergency supplies. We always do this in the fall right before the holiday sale season. We use Kathy Harrison's OAR system. OAR stands for "organize, acquire and rotate." A few times a year we go through everything, especially in the fall, and it helps us to know what we have, what we need, and make certain we use our supplies on an ongoing basis by rotating the older out and the new in. Fall and winter are the perfect time of year to begin stocking up on emergency supplies. During the holiday shopping season some of the best sales of the year happen not only on food items because of holiday grocery sales, but also because it's hunting season and many sporting goods locations have sales on backpacks, dried foods, camping supplies and more.
Sharing about our life as preppers over the last few weeks has been so rewarding and informative. When we first started prepping years ago, there wasn't a large online community of preppers like there are now. There were a few sites here and there and message boards, but now the prepper community can be connected to instantly through social media and for anyone who is wanting to be more self sufficient and work on their emergency plans, it couldn't be a better time to start.

If you're reading this you already know the importance of blogging and how you can get more detailed information and a collection of sources right from one site. That's what we're wanting to do here over the weeks and months ahead. We want to gather in one place all the great information we've collected over the years and share the new things we discover as we continue to work on our own self sufficiency. We LOVE the idea of being able to get what we know out there so others will realize being prepared isn't hard and it's the best insurance policy someone could ever buy for their family.

If you're connected with us on Twitter then you already know what a great resource it can be. We love it because it's a worldwide chat room where we can not only read information about prepping, weather, news updates, homesteading, gardening and more, but we can communicate quickly with other preppers from all over the world. Hashtags like #prepping, #preparedness, #homesteading, #preppertalk, #survival and others can help you find resources you might not have considered or even knew about. You can even follow FEMA and Ready. gov, along with your local emergency preparedness agencies so you can stay on top of updates on what is happening in your neck of the woods.

(Update: I've had some questions about the use of hashtags. Go here to read a great article that will help those who are new to hashtags or for those who want to learn how to use them better. Remember, anyone can use a hashtag in a tweet even if the tweet isn't connected to the subject you're expecting to read about, so use caution clicking links just as you would use when evaluating spam in your email box. Also, note that hashtags can be used by anyone so you may see varying opinions on the same subject. Do your own research and if you don't like what another person is tweeting you can use block to remove them from your Twitter feed.)

Another great place to connect with people who are just starting out or who have done it for years is You Tube. We're a bit shy around here, but we're hoping in the near future to add our perspective about "sheltering at home" on You Tube as well. We're amazed at the enormous You Tube prepper and homesteading communities. If you're looking for information on food storage, bee keeping or home security, from A to Z, someone has done a video on it.

The best part of being a prepper is that you always come across people who are willing to share what they know. Preppers also have a voracious need to know. It becomes a passion so we can learn as much as we can to help our families which will in turn help our community if a disaster strikes because we'll have the resources we need right at our fingertips. It's like the old adage says, knowledge is power. So if you don't know where to start or maybe you have already made your 72 hour emergency kit and want to learn even more about prepping, then dive into social media and you'll find a wealth of knowledge to help you on your way.

Keep safe everyone and happy prepping!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Winter Preparedness: Protecting Your Family from the Cold

Living in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains we're no strangers to tough winters. Winter storm warnings and October blizzards are things we expect. Even this past week when the first big fall snow storm hit us hard, knocking out our power for two days, we weren't surprised. What did surprise us is that so many of our neighbors and friends weren't prepared and we know they aren't the only ones. The effects of a nor'easter has east coast residents facing a similar situation today, but instead of 200,000 without power as it was in our state, there are millions without power and many are expected to be without electricity for at least a week. It's not hard to imagine that the vast majority of Americans have never thought much about how to survive without power for a few days, let alone seven.

If you know bad weather of any kind is headed your way, there are many things you can do last minute to prepare, but doing so puts you and your family at risk. Winter preparedness in every climate needs begin not as the leaves begin to fall or when the rains come, but every day through out the year. A winter crisis is the worst crisis. It is the time of year when we're the most vulnerable due to the elements. It takes a lot of energy to keep warm, so making sure that our family has everything it needs to get through a winter storm with no power is one of our first priorities as we continually work on our emergency prepping all year long.

Just as in every emergency situation you must have enough food and water on hand to keep your family hydrated and fed until the weather subsides and the roads are clear. In our situation last week, we had plenty of water stored but we did not need to use it. We took careful precautions to keep our faucets dripping to make sure our water pipes did not freeze. We  even had warm water because the pilot light on the hot water heater kept the water warm enough for hand washing. But when we realized the power shut off was going to be long term, we were glad to have quick and easy food to make. Not just because of cooking off the grid takes more planning and time, but because its important to conserve physical and emotional energy at the beginning of any emergency. So quick meals such as prepackaged snacks, PBJ's or the ability to heat canned food can make the first few hours easier to bear while settling into the fact you're going to have to tough it out, whether it's a few hours or a few days.

The following is a list of what we do to make sure we're prepared for winter emergencies besides our regular storage of water, food and first aid supplies to get through an emergency situation and what we do to insure our family is kept warm during the power outage.
  • First, we notify our utility company immediately when the power goes out, no matter what time of the year. The sooner they get the report the sooner they'll get our power back on in most instances. Power company's work on large areas first and then whittle outages down to smaller and smaller areas. Do not wait hours to report your outage as your power might be out even if your neighbor's is on which will likely mean your wait time will be even longer if your outage is in an isolated area as compared to an outage that encompasses a larger area.
  • Do mitigation now to reduce the chances of losing power by keeping your trees trimmed away from power lines. We recently had to ask neighbors next to our property to trim their tree that was growing over and under the power lines that lead to our house. In our case they ended up removing the tree all together. However, when we lost our power last week it was because someone else in our area had not trimmed their trees from the power lines and it affected our entire neighborhood when the snow laden tree took out the line. So know that even if you do your part, others might not be taking the same precautions you are.
  • We keep a large store of firewood indoors, enough for more than 24 hours of continuous wood burning in case we cannot get outside to our wood pile. If you don't use your fireplace or wood stove often, make an instruction cheat sheet to keep nearby to remind you on how to start a fire and keep it going. If you have a gas fireplace remember you cannot use wood in it. We try to discourage any friends considering changing their wood fireplace to gas as it will not light if you do not not have electricity. (Below are some more ideas that will help if you have do not have a fireplace.) 
  • We keep on hand an indoor cooking method such as Sterno cans in case the weather is too blizzardy to cook outdoors with the grill, rocket or camp stove. (Do not use outdoor grills or stoves indoors due to fire danger and the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning. Don't take a chance even if you've read others have done it successfully.) Sterno cans also pose a fire danger so be sure to read the can's warnings before using. Sterno does evaporate after a few months; replace and rotate older cans.
  • We keep a battery operated carbon monoxide detector functioning at all times. Even the fireplace can kill you if not properly ventilated through the flue, so be sure to have your fireplace or wood stove checked yearly.
  • Once the power goes out we refrain from opening any doors or windows leading to the outside unless absolutely necessary. Doing so lets cold in and heat out. If we do have to go outside to get additional wood for example we do it only during daylight hours when temperatures are usually warmer.
  • We keep all family members to one main area in or near our heat source and close the doors of all other remaining rooms. Before closing off the rooms we move all bedding, pillows, sleeping bags, as well as books, toys, games, anything that might be needed or wanted from those rooms during the outage so that we can avoid having to open the rooms back up after they've been closed. Keeping family members all together in one room also helps keep the room heated and the movement of air in and out of the room to a minimum.
  • We use clusters of 3 or 4 candles for light and added heat. (We also have hurricane lamps but use those only for a long term outage.) Candles or hurricane lamps are very dangerous, they can easily be knocked over so use with extreme caution and never leave unattended. We place them on study surfaces such as the middle of a dining table or on the kitchen stove and we make sure all are blown out before sleeping.
  • We keep a drip going on inside water faucets, especially those furthest from the water intake to our house in order to keep water moving and thus keep the water pipes from freezing.
  • We conserve battery power of cell phones by powering them on only when needed and only using flashlights when candlelight is insufficient. You can use a crank charger or car charger for cell phones. However going outside to the car means letting cold air into the house and should be avoided. We have opted to keep our home phone service even though we have cells because it will still work during most power outages and we may not have the ability to charge our phones at some point.
  • Having an emergency radio, crank, solar or battery powered (combo ones are better so that you have more than one option) or a battery powered digital television;is important for weather and information updates. Though we have learned if your power outage is limited many local radio stations do not report updates and have replaced local news reporting with syndicated national news reports. This means you may not hear an update about your outage. If you're able to, you'll need to contact the electric company directly for more specific updates on restoration of power.
  • We keep on hand disposable plates, bowls, and utensils in order to conserve water if necessary and make it easier to serve meals. The last thing you want to think about is a pile of dishes when your main focus should be keeping your family warm and safe. You'll also be exhausted after the emergency and minimizing your clean up will help you get back to normal more quickly.
  • Most of all we don't panic. We keep focused on what needs to be done. Everyone has their assignments or chores, just as we do in our regular day to day life. My husband goes to the wood pile or splits wood if necessary. I tend the fire. We all help in meal preparation. The children sweep up ash and clean up after meals just as they would normally. We work together and remember to have patience knowing this is a temporary situation, and it's good practice for a time when an outage might turn into weeks and if it did we'd ready and know exactly what to do.
We'd love to hear what your winter preparedness plans include. Please leave a comment and tell us how you're prepared for the winter months ahead!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sheltering at Home's Inaugural Blog Post

Today's the day, it's time to get blogging about our life as preppers and homesteaders. It's been in the works for a few months and now that the garden has been put to bed, the cover crop on the small bit of new tillage has been planted, and our winter stores of pickled relish and jams are now all put away we can finally get to blogging!

Our goal here is sharing. We're not experts, but we're experienced at what we'll share. We won't be selling anything or doing product recommendations, that's just not what we're about. (If you see ads on our blog, they are used to supplement our income solely to add to food storage and emergency supplies, and should not be considered an endorsement. We encourage everyone to research any company thoroughly before purchasing from them.) So Instead, we're hoping that by sharing our stories and preparations with other average American's like ourselves that we will help more  people realize that it is not that hard to be prepared for an unexpected circumstance if you just learn to incorporate "preparedness" or "prepping" into your daily life.

You might be surprised to know that the Red Cross says "only about 12% of Americans are reasonably prepared for a disaster." Maybe you are like how we were a few years ago. We were part of that majority of those families and individuals lacking in knowledge and preparation. We were probably a lot like you or someone you know, you think nothing bad could ever happen to you, that if you needed help maybe unemployment insurance, FEMA or the Red Cross will lend you a hand. Or maybe you lean toward what a Red Cross spokesman described as how many "think its too daunting, they don't know where to start or they do not have the time" to prepare for an emergency. Trust me, we've felt that way before, but after my husband lost his job a few years ago, after nearly losing our home, after 9/11 and Katrina, we quickly changed our minds. Just adding a few minutes a day in preparedness plans could help you and your family survive a disaster.

Our philosophy is that we do not prepare out of fear, we prepare out of our sense of duty. First and foremost is our duty to our family's livelihood and well being, then a duty to our neighbors who may need a helping hand. Disasters of any kind, whether it be a job loss, illness, blizzards, tornados, solar storms, or a terrorist attack, none of them will discriminate and all could have a devastating impact anywhere in the country. It will not matter if we're Democrats or Republicans, black or white, Buddhist or Christian, rich or poor, we will ALL be vulnerable. But we can lessen that impact by preparing and being self sustaining through food and water storage, making evacuation plans and emergency kits, learning to grow or make our own healthy food lessening our dependence on outside resources.

It might sound daunting, but believe me when I say it's not. What would be truly daunting, no the right word is devastating, seeing your children or loved ones go without water or food. So come along with us as we share with you what we're doing to keep our family safe in case of an unexpected emergency. We're all involved, me, my husband and our two sons. Stop by and visit again as you do more research, read other prepper and homesteading blogs like ours, watch videos, or read books. We hope you'll get digging and learning with us and share with us your ideas, recipes, gardening tips and emergency plans. We'll learn together from our own experiences and be stronger and fearless for doing it.

Finally, the Red Cross had a great campaign a few years ago, it said, "Do More Than Cross Your Fingers." That's just what we're doing. No finger crossing here, we're preparing, "prepping" our shelter at home.

Thanks for stopping by! Come by and connect via Twitter @AtHomePrepper and soon on YouTube too!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Coming Soon!

Working to get the blog up and running! Please add us to your favorites and check back soon!